Am I Too Late?

I feel like I am a late bloom in the makeup world. During High School my basic makeup routine consisted of Mineral Foundation and maybe Mascara (if I really felt like it). My more special occassions routine consisted of adding A shade of eyeshadow. I was more into fashion and didn’t feel the need or want to wake up early and put something on my face every time I went to school or out of the house.

College was where I got a little more into it. I kept being mistaken for a high school student even on campus. I mean I have always been small and young looking but when you’re in college you want to look like you belong there (don’t get me wrong, I love that I can look young naturally but it doesn't really help me be confident with myself). So I started watching more YouTube tutorials on makeup. I was hoping that would help me look more my age.

While I have been watching these tutorials and reading blog post on makeup for around 2 years, I am still getting a little discouraged. I am still being mistaken for a high school student and I can’t even get the so called “idiot proof” tutorials. I have gone to makeup counters (thank you BareMinerals and Ulta) but I could never recreate the look at home. All of them said bronzer would help me look older but I’ve tried that several times but it just doesn’t look right. They also said eyeliner would look great but I’ve tried that to and it just looks sloppy every time I do it. I can’t really go to my mom for help because she hasn’t really touched makeup in years (maybe a lipstick for special occasions) and my sister has just recently started trying to do it but only for special occasions.

I feel like I have missed my chance at actually being good at makeup. Right now I’m only sticking to neutral looks because I feel like those are hard to mess up (and those are the looks that are acceptable in where I wear makeup). Even with that though I can’t get the ‘countour shade’ of eyeshadow to work half the time. 

I'm a hands on learner so I guess I need more practice. Sure I'm never going to be makeup artist good but I do want to look the best that I can with OR WITHOUT makeup.

When did you really start wearing makeup? Did someone help you learn the best ways to apply it? What's a technique that you find most useful?
