When you graduate from college, everything is different. You don't have a set path to follow (unless you already planned on going to grad school or have already accepted a job offer). Possibilities seem endless, you'll stay close with all your friend from high school and college, you'll move out on your own, and you'll get your dream job within a couple of months of graduating.
I graduated at the beginning of May, and I am still looking for a job. I have my heart set on a Marketing and Communications job but right now I would settle for any job that gets my foot in the door towards the path that I want. Yes, the first real job that you get after graduation will most likely not be the job that you will have forever, but it is a job that you want to like going to work for.
On staying close to friends. Some people are better than that than others at staying close. I know my sister has stayed close to many of her friends from college and some from high school, but personally I have not stayed that close to anyone since graduating. I would love to still get together with most of the people that I was close to from high school and college but since most of them don't live around me anymore, I don't. Most of my friends are A.) still in school, B.) their family moved so they moved too, C.) they got a job in a different city or state, or D.) we just grew apart. This is why I have been trying to meet people through church events and community events. You don't meet people through classes anymore. You can meet people through your job but if you don't have one (like me) that is kind of hard. You have to be creative. Find something that you are interested in and that means you will be finding people interested in the same things.
I have been filling my time with job searching and forming hobbies. I have formed new hobbies like latch hooking and I have tried out some new things like cooking and writing. Yes, it may not be as exciting as I would like and yes, I am getting a little bored and ready to start a job, but I'm still happy. I am lucky to have parents that would allow me to stay home while I am looking and exploring my options.
This quote is what I look at every time I'm getting discouraged and I know that I may have a certain vision in my mind but that may not be what I need.
What do you do when you get discouraged?
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